
Best 5 Astral Projection Techniques

In today’s article, which is the third part of my astral projection series, I would like to present and explain you some of the best and most popular astral projection techniques that exist. Feel free to also have a look at the other parts of the series that is based on the astral world and the journeys within it; the links can be found at the bottom of this article.
Popular Astral Projection Methods
  1. Robert Monroe’s Technique
  2. The Rope Technique
  3. The Astral Vehicle Method
  4. Induction through Lucid Dreaming
  5. Muldoon’s Thirst Technique

1. Robert Monroe’s Technique

Robert A. Monroe
Robert A. Monroe was a pioneer in the research and investigation of altered human consciousness, whose experimenting with a group of researchers led to the foundation of the Monroe Institute that studied and tested his theses with volunteers in its research institution.
Robert Allan Monroe (October 30, 1915-March 17,1995) was a New York radio broadcasting executive who became known for his research into altered consciousness. Wikipedia – Robert Monroe
Monroe is credited for having brought to light the term “out-of-body-experience” (short: OBE) with his very popular book “Journeys Out of the Body” that was published in 1971. The technique described in the following has been tested on many individuals and was found to work extraordinarily, as it allowed participants to induce a very powerful out-of-body-experience. Monroe’s technique consists of four different parts, namely “Relaxation”, “State of Vibration”, “Control of Vibrations” and finally “The Separation Process” itself.
The first step of his technique – “Relaxation” – focuses on the physical and mental relaxation, which can be regarded as the foundation of every successful attempt to have an OOBE (out-of-body-experience) or inducing an astral journey. Monroe recommends preferably applying his astral projection technique “when you are tired and sleepy” (Robert A. Monroe [1977] “Journeys Out of the Body”, Broadway Books), as it will be easier for you to relax both physically and mentally. This also implies that you shouldn’t implement his technique when you are emotionally upset (e.g. from your everyday life / watching TV) or in a hurry whatsoever – even if you have a hurry to fall asleep.
As you become relaxed and start to drift off into sleep hold your mental attention on something, anything, with your eyes closed. Once you can hold the borderland state indefinitely without falling asleep, you have passed the first stage.
Robert A. Monroe (1977), p. 208 in “Journeys Out of the Body”, Broadway Books
I think it’s normal for everyone new to the matter to fall asleep the very first time you implement Monroe’s relaxation technique , but the more you strengthen your mental willpower to stay awake, the easier it will become for you to reach a point of very deep physical and mental relaxation, while being fully awake. All the thoughts and mental images will start to fade away and are being detached (at least in my personal experience) by awkward light-patterns that I recognize here and there in-between the blackness of my closed eyes. For me, the point where I know that I’m mental fully relaxed is where these “awkward light-patterns” start to cease, when there is nothing more than blackness in front of my closed eyes.
Secondly, Monroe focuses on the accomplishment of the “State of Vibration” in which he tries topull a certain type of vibrations back into his head. In order to accomplish this, Monroe selects through his closed eyes a spot in the darkness that is roughly 10 inches away from his forehead and moves this point of mental reference until it is five or six feet at distant. After a while, he turns this point 90° upward into the direction of the top of the head on a line parallel to the axis of the body. Unfortunately, Monroe is very vague with his explanation, but after hours of studying what he wrote and drawing it down on a piece of paper, I think the target destination should be located at some six feet distance of the top of your head, hence it would make sense why he recommends lying down with your head pointing towards the magnetic north. The point of intersection can be signified by a rhythmic pulsation or a tinkling and once he has identified this spot, Monroe focuses on the mental pulling back of the vibrations located at that spot.
Thirdly, the stage named “Control of Vibrations” has the main objective to utilize the vibrations under conscious control by systematically applying the procedures shown in the following. In order to obtain control over the vibrations, Monroe mentally conducts all the vibrations into his head, pushes them along his body to his arms, legs and toes and then back again to his head. He thereby creates a rhythmical wave that sweeps within (approximately) ten seconds to his toes and takes another five seconds to complete the circuit back to his head. Monroe practices this until the wave of vibration floats through his body on mental command.
Finally, after having achieved a form of control over the vibrations “The Separation Process” of physical and mental dissociation can begin. Luckily, this is not as difficult sounding as the “Vibration” stage described above. In order to initiate the separation process, Monroe suggests attempting to reach with one hand (either the right or left arm – depending on your personal preferences) for any object (wall, door, wardrobe, etc.) that lies “beyond the reach of your physical arm” (Robert A. Monroe, 1977, “Journeys Out of the Body”). It is important that this object is positioned in the direction the arm of your choice is pointing, meaning that you will not attempt to reach for instance for the ceiling bulb, your shoes or the walls besides you, but for something that is at the same height and direction of your resting arm. Reach out with your (imagined non-physical) stretched arm and push further and further, until you finally encounter something. Your sensory senses will indicate in case of success that you are touching and examining the object with your “real” physical hand.
The second method described for the separation process is what Monroe calls the “lift-out” procedure that basically consist of imagining oneself getting lighter and lighter until one starts to float upward. Monroe emphasizes the importance to think “how nice it would be to float upward” (Robert A. Monroe [1977] “Journeys Out of the Body”, Broadway Books), in order to stir anticipation.

2. The Rope Technique

Robert Bruce - Public Domain
The second technique presented in this article is just as much a classic as Robert Monroe’s previously presented method. In fact, you will come across the rope technique – developed by Robert Bruce – on many websites, forums and naturally, of course, in his book.
Similar to Monroe’s “state of vibration” technique, the rope technique requires a deep level of relaxation, too. In order to attain a very relaxed state of mind you can feel free to apply the techniques I presented in my personal astral travelling procedure (see paragraph III. My personal astral projection routine); namely the progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises. Also, it is important to note that the rope technique is not being applied in order to “drag yourself out of your body”, but instead as an aid to reduce your brain activity and thereby inducing a deep trance state – please have this in mind when you practice. Actually, the first times I applied this technique, my focus lay on the “dragging myself out of the body” aspect, which rather prevented me from entering a deeply relaxed state of mind. Once you have entered a deep relaxation you can continue with the following rope technique.
As the name of the method implies, the main element of it consists of an invisible, thick rope of twisted fibres that you imagine to be hanging above you, coming down from the ceiling. Once you are ready, close your eyes and imagine what it feels like to reach out with your (imaginary!) hands, to grab the rope and then to begin pulling yourself upwards.
You do NOT have to actually visualize, or see, the ROPE at any time, just know where it’s supposed to be. This method uses NO visualization at all.
Robert Bruce on Astral Dynamics
Reach out, hand over hand, just as if you were to climb a never ending rope in the darkness. Keep ascending on the cord and try to ignore the bodily sensations at best. It is very likely that you will feel your body getting heavier and heavier, also you will most likely feel a slight tingling sensation up to distinctive vibrations, pulsating like energy throughout your body as your chakras (= the energy centers of your body) open up. Focus all your attention on the act of pulling yourself upwards on the rope, arm over arm, instead of seeking for and/or noticing these breakthroughs. If you continue, you will experience a paralyzed state, in many cases unable to move your physical body, but do not stop climbing on the rope, even as it gets more and more complicated to remain concentrated.
At some point you will come free of your physical body. You will definitely notice the process unfolding, as your whole perception begins to change, even if you have entered a semi dream-like state and are climbing up on a fictional ladder on the Amazonas. Getting out of the body will feel like an automated process, performed on auto-pilot, akin just like a regular routine that you have performed for years.

3. The Astral Vehicle Method

Lifting body
The Astral Vehicle
Again, this technique requires you to be in a very relaxed, trance-like state of mind. You can use the progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises as described in my second article (Part II – paragraph III) of this astral journeying series, or any other technique you find suitable for this purpose. As soon as you have reached this deep state of physical and mental relaxation, you can begin to pick a point on your body – preferably in your solar plexus or heart area – and start to visualize astral substance or lightening energy leaving your body out of your chest. Visualize the substance forming itself to an empty shell in the volume and size of your body. Continue doing so until you can perfectly see the empty duplicate of your physical shell in your mind’s eye floating above you, connected with your chest area. If you have difficulties visualizing the astral vehicle you can also think of a body duplicate floating above you, which slowly vanishes – leaving an energy shell behind. (Always remember to pull this energy back into your body, before you cancel the exercise, in order to avoid an energy loss, fatigue and exhaustion!)
When you finished the forming of your astral vehicle you can begin to transfer your point of consciousness from your body into the vessel. In order to accomplish this, it is advisable to collect your whole being, the characteristics that define you, your thoughts and selfhood, from your personality to your bodily characteristics in one spot – termed as the center of consciousness. This spot can be in your forehead, where your third eye is located, but also in your chest, depending on what you prefer. Continue to recollect everything about you at this specific point; your head, arms, fingers, legs and the awareness of self until this point becomes the center of your beingness. Once you have finished, let the center lift off from your physical body until it floats above you and then enters the astral vehicle that you formed previously; at the exact same spot where the center was located in your physical body.
It is important, while transferring your consciousness that you change perspectives, meaning that you begin to look at your physical self as you are now floating above your body. (You do not have to SEE it at this point, just visualize it, feel it and know it). Just think about this change of perspectives as if you were standing in front of a mirror, on one side the physical body that is facing the astral body at the other side. While doing so, keep fully expanding your personality within the astral vehicle. Continue to pull more and more of yourself from your physical body into the vehicle and begin to make use of the senses of your new vessels. Focus your attention on smelling, hearing and tasting, if possible even on your tactile senses. An excellent reality check at this moment would be to reach out with your astral hand and trying to touch the wall near you. When you are able to feel a wall that is out of your reach, you succeeded.
A very similar method like the astral vessel technique is called “Exteriorization”, but contains the mental action of turning around once your center of consciousness floats into the vessel, instead of instantly visualizing that you are facing your physical body.

4. The Induction through Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming
The fourth astral travelling technique described in the following is excellent for those who are experienced in lucid dreaming, but is even more difficult to apply for those that aren’t – as you would have to learn how to induce lucid dreams before you could even think of implying this technique. But if you take the time, implement a dream journal and some reality checks into your daily routines, you might find it easier to induce an astral projection through a lucid dream, instead of having to practice for years in order to project at will. Lucid dreaming is, in my opinion, definitely worth a try, as it is by far easier to master than the separation of body and mind (astral projection). Also, the conversion of a lucid dream into an astral experience simplifies things for people who have a difficulty to fully relax, while awake.
Interestingly enough, many consider that (lucid) dreaming and astral travelling are interconnected experiences. While dreams proceed in the dream plane of the lower astral, controlled and influenced by the subconscious mind of the dreamer, astral projection takes place in the higher planes, on a higher vibratory level than out-of-body-experiences and in a fully conscious state of mind. One characteristic of an astral journey is that you are fully conscious of yourself leaving your body, you are conscious during the experience and conscious when you re-enter your body, meaning that there is no suspension in consciousness throughout a “real” projection. As opposed to this are lucid dreams, as there is most likely such a suspension in consciousness, whether it be before you become lucid (aware that you are dreaming) or during your experience when you fall back asleep again.
So, how to convert a lucid dream into an astral projection? First of all, you need to become aware that you are dreaming, for instance by the use of a reality check. The first option that can lead you to a projection would be to quit the dream”, which is – in contrast to the efforts of keeping a dream alive – not difficult at all. I for instance, only need to become fully aware of the feeling of lying in bed, which ends the lucid dream. The objective of ending the dream is not to fully awake, but only to return to your body with your consciousness. It’s important that you remain motionless once you have left the dream; just recognize that you have returned to your physical body. The advantage of this lies therein that you are still in a very relaxed but conscious state of mind, which then allows you to perform the astral projection technique of your choice, with the difference that you are already in a trance-like state of mind.
The second option would be to adopt – while lucid dreaming – the same position as your sleeping, physical body. In order to do this you will have to levitate horizontally, within your dream. After you matched your dream self with your body you can begin to rise up into the air, as an attempt to encourage the astral body to leave the physical body.
The third option to convert a lucid dream into an OBE is to – once again – match positions with your physical body and your dream self. But then, instead of rising up into the air, you begin to perform your regular astral projection routine, but this time within the dream environment. Perform your routine briefly but keep an eye on not falling back asleep again.
As a side note, a sure-fire way to distinct between an astral projection and a lucid dream is to look at anything that contains numbers or letters, for example the title of a book, a street sign or a clock. If you notice that the numbers or characters change or get distorted, each time you look at them, you can clearly tell that you are experiencing a lucid dream. On the other hand, while having an astral journey, the numbers and letters will remain the same when looking back at them.

5. Muldoon’s Thirst Technique

S. Muldoon
Sylvan Muldoon
Sylvan Muldoon, born in 1903, was just as much a pioneer in the research of astral traveling and altered states of consciousness as Robert Monroe was. His books – one of their earliest on the subject matter – have helped to add quantifiable knowledge to the study of the astral projection phenomena. An interesting astral projection method that stems from Muldoon is called the “thirst technique”. According to Muldoon, “thirst is the strongest and most quickly produced ‘stress’ ”, which stimulates the subconscious will to action (taken from p. 117, “Projection of the Astral Body” by Sylvan J. Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, Weiser Books [1970]). In this case the desire to satisfy one’s thirst is what wills the subconscious to move the astral body, while the physical is at rest.
We can readily see that the prime requisite is to impress one of these ‘activating’ factors so strongly upon the subconscious mind that that mind will retain the impression during sleep.
p. 111, “Projection of the Astral Body” by Sylvan J. Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, Weiser Books [1970]).
The thirst technique will require you to refrain from drinking before going to bed, preferably for some hours, in order to activate the desire for water. You can also increase the ‘stress’ by placing a glass of water somewhere near your bed, so that you can gaze at it. You can begin to imagine what it would feel like if you could get up from bed, reaching out for the glass, putting it on your thirsty mouth and then to drink the refreshing water. Imagine how you get up from bed, reach out for the glass and drink the refreshing water. Muldoon goes in his technique even so far to swallow salt (an eight of a teaspoonful) to aggravate the desire to satisfy his thirst, which I do NOTrecommend for obvious health reasons. Eating some anchovies – small salt water forage fish that are being gutted and salted – for dinner and the cessation of drinking after dinner will be sufficient enough; there’s no need to eat pure salt. Also, you shouldn’t implement this technique when you are having any problems with your health or a condition. Understandably, you should drink a lot of water (!) before and after this experiment, which you shouldn’t implement every day, but just once a month or even lesser.
So, when you are falling asleep, remind yourself of the desire to slake the thirst and focus your thoughts around that glass of water you placed somewhere in your bedroom. Imagine what it would feel like if your astral body could leave your physical, reaching out for the fresh water. During the night, you might have awkward dreams about your thirst, like being in the desert, and – with some luck – your thirst will make your astral body reach out for the beverage.

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